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Southeast Asian Studies   [browse this category]

A Walk through War Memories in Southeast Asia

Shinzo Hayase (Author)   

ISBN: 971-10-1211-3

Cover: Paperback
Available: Yes


This original Japanese language edition was published as a textbook for Japanese college students. The Japanese youth have been criticized here and abroad for their ignorance of the past war. The Japanese, in general, hardly know the historical fact that Japan engaged in war with China and the United States, much less Japan’s role in converting the Southeast Asian region into battlefields, destroying the local people’s daily lives, snatching away valuable lives, and destroying their historical and cultural heritage. . . . This book was initially written with the aim to inform the Japanese youth what I have observed: the way the Southeast Asian people remember the war and their efforts to preserve and hand down their memories. These have been manifested in their museums and war memorials. . . .



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